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Đổi điểm

Massage Lover at Centara Grand Mirage Pattaya

Điểm cần thiết: 10000
Points available to redeem :
Your redemption voucher will be sent to your email address:
Số lượng sản phẩm cần thiết
Enjoy a 60 minutes massage on selected items 
- Thai Massage
- Foot Massage
- Indian Head Massage
- Hai Muea (Back Relief Massage)
- Valid from now - 15th December 2024
SPA Cenvaree open daily from 09:00 - 21:00 hrs.
Advance Reservation at least 1 day is required.
One spa voucher for 1 person for 1 time.
- Vouchers cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions and amendment is not permitted.
- Please present a copy of voucher acknowledgement upon arrival
- Hotel has right to change promotion withour prio notice.
- For more information and Centara Reservation Centre email: ccc@chr.co.th OR call (02) 102 1234 
- Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort Pattaya 277 Moo 5, Naklua, Banglamung, Pattaya 20150
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